[Home Storage has Gift for Wedding]
20000308 04670063
2000030C 03450063
20000310 04010063
20000314 00CA0063
20000318 0CE90063
2000031C 05EC0063
20000320 06C10063
20000324 00D30063
20000328 03EA0063
2000032C 06C70063
; --- Stats ---
[Power 999]
10000020 000003E7
[Energy 999]
10000022 000003E7
[Inteligence 999]
10000024 000003E7
; --- Records ---
[People Talked 9998]
10002E42 0000270E
[Monsters Killed 9998]
10002E4A 0000270E
[Items Crafted 9998]
10002E4E 0000270E
[Fishing 9998]
10002E50 0000270E
[Cold Caught 9998]
10002E54 0000270E
;by fakeshadow
[Easy All Records Trophies:Do 1 more of each action to unlock particular trophy]
20002e48 001d1387
20002e4c 001d05db
20002e50 07cf0063
20002e54 006301f3
;ported by chaoszage
; --- Untested ---
[Max Donation for Dragon Shrine]
20000008 05F5E0FF